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In association with 

18th May 2017, Hilton City Centre, Leeds

2017 e-Vocational
Conference from
Assessment Tomorrow

A one day conference exploring the use of technology to support, enhance and manage assessment and qualifications and their impact on, and implications for,  Assessment Organisations, professional bodies, learners, providers and the vocational sector.

Recent developments in the use of technology in vocational qualifications.

With the ever changing face of vocational education and training, the next five years or more will prove a challenge, yet again, to Awarding Organisation and providers alike.

Both the rise of apprenticeships and the advent of T-Levels will alter the vocational landscape in a way not yet predictable.


As always this will provide both opportunities and challenges


While these disruptive elements to the system are occurring, advances in technology will also alter the way AO, providers and others approach assessment, both formal and informal.  


The trend towards more independent, end-point assessment increases the need for formative assessment to confirm learning and prepare learners to achieve their potential.  


The ability of technology to manage formative assessment, provide fast results and feedback and create valuable data for to support learning, will, inevitably, increase its use.

This event looks at both the current technology landscape in vocational e-assessment and the trends and new opportunities that could support the changes in vocational qualifications and assessment.  


A wide range of experienced speakers from across all parts of the sector


assessment specialists,


providers and

technology providers


will present their view of where the technology might take us and how we should go about making the best use of the technology available.

The Conference

Sessions include

  • The landscape and issues facing awarding organisations

  • Assessment in Apprenticeships and how technology is the key

  • The next big ideas from remote proctoring to the value of badges

  • Large scale technology implementations in vocational qualifications

£250 plus VAT 
discounted to
£225 plus VAT for FAB Members

TEL: 44-(0)-0113-2442000


  • A series of presentations by leading experts on key topics

  • The invaluable experiences and knowledge of practitioners and users

  • A small,  informal exhibition in support of the seminar and demonstration of products

  • An active Q&A discussion panel approach

  • Active networking

Next Meetup


0830 – 0930    Registration

0930        Opening Remarks – Chair

0940        Setting the scene – the issues
  • Opening Keynote - AELP – Mark Dawe, Chief Executive AELP
  • Technology and the Changing Vocational Qualifications Scene – John Winkley, AlphaPlus Consultancy

1045        Coffee

1100        Assessment in apprenticeships – how technology is key
  • Developing a digital EPA for the industry – Geoff Chapman, eCom Scotland 
  • Supporting Maths and English GCSE and Functional Skills - Jonathan Wells, Forskills
  • Supporting technology in apprenticeship programmes – Martyn Roads, Jisc             Consultant
  • Can technology help make your trailblazer investment break even? (at least!) Denis Saunders, CEO and Founder, Calibrand  the currency for talent
  • Blended apprenticeship programmes - Jaison Cresswell, Virtual College

1300        Lunch

1345        The next big ideas  
  • The value of badges combined with rich evidence – Rob Arntsen, Myknowledgemap
  • The possibilities of remote proctoring/invigilation – Daniel Haven, ProctorExam 
1430        Provider delivery – large scale technology implementations in qualifications
(Tea available during this session)
  • Cirrus Assessment - Jeremy Carter
1500        Tea         
  • ‘Scalable formative assessment as part of modern apprenticeship and vocational qualification delivery’ Matt Wingfield, Digital Assess
  • BTL – Tim Burnett  
1600        Closing Keynote -
  • Federation of Awarding Bodies – Stephen Wright, Chief Executive, FAB

1630        Conference closes

Keynotes from:


Mark Dawe, Chief Executive, AELP

Stephen Wright, Chief Executive, Federation of Awarding Bodies

other speakers include

·         JISC​

·         Calibrand​

·         AlphaPlus Consultancy

·         BTL​

·         e-Com Scotland

·         Joint Industry Board for the

Electrical Contracting Industry

·         Cirrus Assessment ​

·         ProctorExam​

·         Digital Assess

·         Virtual College

·         For Skills​

Chair for the day: Mike Dawe, Consultant and former MD, City and Guilds International

Assessment Tomorrow

About Us

The take up of e-Assessment is increasing world-wide.  Educators, trainers, Government Agencies and test providers are actively engaged in developing technology based assessment solutions that enable them to provide robust, reliable, flexible assessment for students and employees.

Assessment Tomorrow is one of the leading international organisers of conferences and seminars in  e-Assessment. Drawing on expertise from the UK, Europe and worldwide, it organises conferences and seminars aimed at providing policy makers, assessment developers and people implementing e-Assessment in schools, colleges and training providers with the opportunity to debate the issues and find out about the latest developments.  

To date, conferences have been run in London, Leeds, Edinburgh, Manchester, Birmingham, Glasgow, Dublin, Hong Kong, Kuala Lumpur, Bangalore, Singapore, Chile, Dubai, and across India. Each event has its own theme, aimed at a particular aspect of the market or the development needs of the region. These have been spear-headed by the international e-Assessment Question run each year in London since 2003.
The conferences provide opportunities for e-Assessment and Learning Technology organisations to sponsor and exhibit as well as provide speakers with the opportunity to present to audiences which include key purchasers and users of assessment systems.  

Assessment Tomorrow will also tailor and design seminars for individual companies or organisations such as Government agencies.  

Be it a series of breakfast meetings or a one day seminar, Assessment Tomorrow will organise, promote and manage events aimed at particular groups of clients or for the launch of new products and services. 

For this conference we are supported by and working in association with: 
Federation of Awarding Bodies

The trade association for technical and professional awarding organisations.
Providing information, advice and guidance to over 135 members, 


Registration NOW CLOSED

Register for the conference by either completing our online booking form and we will invoice you, or using our WORLDPAY secure credit card booking option.
Fees £250 plus VAT ,  discounted to £225 plus VAT for FAB Members
To register using our online booking form -

an invoice and acknowledgment will be sent to you within 21 working days

you can also book securely using your credit card below


1. please provide the details of the delegate attending by firstly clicking here to give us contact details
2. and then secondly submit your credit card details to our secure WORLDPAY payment system
Terms and Conditions

A. Registration Process and Payment Methods
Capacity is limited. Registrations will be handled on a first-come, first-served basis. Registrants should obtain confirmation from the Organisers before committing to other travel arrangements. Travel and Accommodation costs are not included in the conference registration fee. Attendees are responsible for making their own lodging arrangements. Details of hotels and directions are available from the Organisers. The Organisers cannot be responsible for your Spam filters blocking your confirmation e-mail. Please be sure your Spam filters will allow mail from the Organisers or their agents ( , ). Conference registrations will not be confirmed until the completed form and payment is received and processed by the Organisers. Registration at the venue, on the day, will be accepted with a payment by cheque in GB Sterling made payable to Assessment Tomorrow,

B. Cancellation Policy
Only e-mailing the Organisers and receiving confirmation of receipt can cancel conference registration. Conference registrations cancelled on or before May 1st, 2017 will be entitled to a full refund less a £50 administration charge. Registrations cancelled on or after May 2nd 2017 will not be entitled to a refund. Substitutions may be made at any time. If you wish to substitute a participant, please contact the Organisers at the earliest opportunity. All refunds will be made after the Conference and within two months. This event is subject to minimum attendance numbers and the Organisers reserve the right to cancel the event in the unlikely event that such numbers are not met. In the event of cancellation by the Organisers a refund of registration fees ONLY, will be made by the Organisers.

C. Conference program
Conference program is subject to change

E. Personal Information
Please note that participant contact details will be kept on the Organisers database, which will only be used by the Organisers and their appointed agents and supporting organisations. Unless the Organisers has received an explicit request from registrant disallowing to share his/her contact information (through the Registration Form), a list of all attendees, their affiliation institutions and e-mails will be included in the delegate packs. The e-mail addresses will also be used to circulate last minute details and announcements of future events. If you would like your record to be deleted after the conference, please notify the Organisers by e-mail ( ) or in writing to Assessment Tomorrow Ltd, 5 St Catherines Road, Broxbourne, Hertfordshire EN10 7LG ENGLAND.

G. Personal Property
The Organisers accepts no responsibility for loss or damage to personal property

Contact Us

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At Assessment Tomorrow, your input is essential to our business. If you have any questions or comments regarding our services, events, or this website, or wish to discuss one of the attractive sponsorship packages on offer, please contact us at one of the locations listed below.



5 St Catherines Road


EN10 7LG


+44 203 617 1580

+44 7785 920392


skype: jeffmross

twitter: @jeffmross, #eassessment


Sponsors and Supporters

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