Welcome to the Conference
This, the 12th Assessment Tomorrow conference in Scotland and in association with SQA, took "Digital Assessment Futures – Making a difference" as its theme.
Raising levels of attainment is a high priority for everybody involved in the delivery of Scottish education. At the same time, digital developments raise the prospect of providing teachers and learners with even more innovative and easily accessible tools to support the raising of attainment levels.
The conference speakers, through a range of presentations and case studies, looked at how technology is already providing digital approaches to assessment and learning and provide an opportunity to discuss how to manage the wide ranging opportunities to use technology across a range of educational settings.
A key section of the programme was designed to provide delegates with practical case studies of the use of technology. Like-minded practitioners will demonstrate how they have implemented technology and its impact on achievement.
At the same time, SQA is in the process of thinking beyond the current use of technology in assessment and its management and the conference will give a glimpse of the future of assessment.
Registration for this event is now closed.
Copies of presentations have been sent to delegates, if you have not received your email please contact us on jeff@assessmenttomorrow.com.
If you attended the conference please remember to complete the feedback form, thank you
Read the Blog of the event by Joe Wilson, Chair of the conference .... click here
Speakers Included:-
Keynote: Dr Gill Stewart, Director of Qualifications Development, SQA
Liam Carroll, Digital Learning and Teaching Policy Officer, Scottish Government
Linda Creanor, Digital Learning, Glasgow Caledonian Uni.
Charlie Love, Quality Improvement Officer,
Aberdeen City Council
Patricia Dougan, Assistant Director Education Scotland
​Click here to see the full lit of speakers Speakers
Who Should Attend
School managers and leaders
Government departments and agencies
SQA co-ordinators
Local Authorities departments and agencies
Lecturers, Teachers and Managers in Schools, Colleges and Training Providers
Awarding Organisations
Assessment Providers
Trainers and
e-Learning Publishers
Click here to register
Fees: Registration fee £190 plus £38 VAT
Click here to see the programme
About Assessment Tomorrow
Assessment Tomorrow has been working in the field of e-Assessment and e-Learning since its formation in 2003. It manages, hosts and organises conferences, seminars, webinars, workshops and training events in the field of computer based assessment and learning. It also acts as an advisor and project manager to private and public sector organisations who are selecting, developing or implementing e-Assessment or e-learning solutions