Assessment Tomorrow / MathSpeak 2017
11th annual Scottish Conference and Exhibition
“Enhancing Mathematics teaching and assessment through the use of Technology”
Grosvenor Hilton, Edinburgh, 26th January 2017
SQA is pleased to support the 2017 Assessment Tomorrow MathSpeak conference in Edinburgh
Assessment Tomorrow has held ten annual conferences in Scotland looking at the issues involved in using technology in assessment and learning for a school and college based audience.
Similarly MathSpeak is a series of annual national conferences, inaugurated in London in Autumn 2013, to an audience of senior maths teachers and school leaders examining recent developments and latest issues concerning the teaching and assessment of Mathematics and student engagement.
For 2017 we have joined together to bring a theme of “Enhancing Mathematics teaching and assessment through the use of Technology” to Assessment Tomorrow’s 11th Scottish event in January 2017.
Read about the conference in 2016
Read about the sponsors and supporters for the 2016 conference
Review scenes from the 2016 conference
Read about the 2015 conference