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BEYOND MULTIPLE CHOICE Conference and Exhibition
Focusing on e-Assessment in the 21st Century
November 7th and 8th, 2018 at the SpyMuseum, Washington DC

Conference presented by




Computer based assessment has grown significantly since the early days of automatic test publishing and certification. We have seen developments like paperless examination projects, e-proctoring, AI, the use of large scale assessments for recruitment and selection, credentialing and open badges, social media, 'Bring Your Own Devices', the growth of e-portfolios, the proliferation of question types, integration with e-Learning and back-office systems, the rise of government initiatives and policies around the world, the expectations and demands of digital natives and rapid changes in technology.  

The key question is


How can managers and educators move beyond multiple-choice tests to more deeply evaluate the effectiveness of learning, teaching and training?


This conference addressed just those issues bringing the latest tools and techniques into clear focus, evaluating how they can support learners and teachers in the modern digital age.

Conference Speakers included


  • Cristina Anguiano-Carrasco | ACT, Inc. Iowa City, Iowa, USA

  • Scott Bartholomew | Purdue University,  West Lafayette, IN, USA

  • Valen Cayetano | Director of Assessment for DC Public Schools,  Washington, DC

  • Jaehwa Choi | The George Washington University, Washington DC, USA

  • Greg Chung | UCLA CRESST, CA, USA

  • Patrick Craven |  City and Guilds, UK

  • Tom Gomersall | BTL, Shipley UK/Malvern, PA, USA

  • Gareth Hegarty | International Baccalaureate

  • Graham Hudson | GA Partnership, UK

  • Benjamin Hunter | Caveon, Midvale, UT, USA

  • Elaine Kelsey | Eduworks, Corvallis, OR, USA 

  • Dee Kanejiya | Cognii, Boston, MA, USA

  • Gary Klein | ShadowBox, Washington DC, USA

  • Pat Leonard | Credly, New York, USA

  • Edward Metz, Ph.D. | Institute of Education Sciences, US Department of Education 
  • Jennifer Murphy | Quantum Improvements Consulting, Florida USA
  • Andreas Oranje | General Manager at Educational Testing Service (ETS), USA

  • Graham Orpwood | Professor Emeritus of Education at York University in Toronto, Canada and Director of International Programs for Vretta Inc, Canada and UK

  • Jacob Pucar | ​Vretta, Canada

  • Terry Rhodes | Association of American Colleges & Universities, Washington DC, USA

  • Denis Saunders | Calibrand, Derby, UK

  • Sae Schatz | Advanced Distributed Learning Initiative, Washington DC, USA

  • Jeffrey Spranza | Director of Product Management, ITS, USA

  • Eric Sydell | Shaker, Raleigh, NC, USA

  • Doug Whatley| BreakAway Games, Hunt Valley, MD, USA 

  • John Winkley | AlphaPlus Consultancy, Manchester, UK â€‹

What & Why? 


The 2018 Beyond Multiple Choice Conference and Exhibition examined where the latest tools, techniques and technologies of assessment, and their role in learning, training and professional development, are heading. 


When & Where?


International Spy Museum, Washington DC, November 7th and 8th, 2018.



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A conference for all those involved in assessing and certifying skills, knowledge and understanding.


The 2018 Beyond Multiple Choice conference examined where the latest tools, techniques and technologies of assessment and its role in learning, training and professional development are heading. A full house of delegates and attendees joined us for two days of discovery, lively debate and hearing expert opinion form education and training, policy makers and technologists  - November 7th and 8th, 2018 at the SpyMuseum, Washington DC


Conference Goal


To examine how the tools, techniques and technologies of e-Assessment can respond to the challenges of the world we live in.


From all sides the pressure is on to provide cost effective, robust and secure assessment for learning, examinations and qualifications. At the same time, the tools and technologies are evolving and Learners’ expectations are those of the digital age.


These sometimes contradictory elements provide, opportunities and risks that must be balanced and that the speakers at the conference will evaluate.



Reasons delegates attended the conference:
  • if you want to start using or expand your current educational computer based testing and assessment programs

  • if you want to learn more about how computer based testing is an integral part of a modern digital learning strategy for any organisation

  • if you want to take advantage of the tools for 21st century digital assessment to learn more about your students and employers and help them to reach their potential

  • if you use e-Assessment of skills and knowledge and want to upgrade and develop your current uses

  • if you are leading an educational institution through a period of change brought on by technology upgrade

  • if you are concerned about the validity, integrity or reliability of your qualification and certification programs

  • if you want to find out more about the tools and techniques of e-Assessment beyond multiple choice and conventional objective item testing

  • if you want to further integrate your educational testing process into your learning systems and processes

  • if you are a professional body with responsibility for education and training in your industry

  • if you want to learn how to tighten and strengthen the processes you use to digitally assess skills, knowledge or understanding

  • if you want to understand how the challenges of the 21st century digital world will impact your testing and assessment activities


e-Assessment, the use of modern technologies to assess skills, knowledge and understanding can be used in many scenarios


  • to certify and credentialize skills and achievement,

  • to select and differentiate candidates for recruitment, enrollment or progression,

  • to understand more about and get closer to your members, employees, or learners,

  • to manage Licentiate programs, membership and assessment of professional competence,

  • to record achievement and attainment and support decision making in teaching,  

  • to support learning and training


In all these areas the traditional approach of multiple choice testing (also called objective item testing) has served its purpose for the last quarter of a century or longer.


Now however advances in technology, developments in our understanding of learning and the tools of assessment, the expectations of students, learners and applicants in a digital world present us with real opportunities to look again at this whole field.


The Beyond Multiple Choice conference will embrace those options and discuss their impact, how we can implement them and how best to take advantage of these developments.


Just why you

should attend



Day One, November 7th 2018


for full schedule of speakers and presentations


Keynotes and Opening Addreses - Beyond Multiple Choice - WHY?
Followed by Refreshment break sponsored by Caveon
Panel Session - there's nothing wrong with MCQ's Is there?
Exploring e-portfolios, Block Chains and Multidimensional approaches
Day One Closing Remarks
What Innovation Means
LUNCH sponsored by City and Guilds/Credly
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Day Two, November 8th 2018

Welcome Back and recap of Day One, Chair followed by keynote - designing effective assessments
Matching design to assessment objectives
Followed by Refreshment break sponsored by Quantum Improvements Consulting
Crystal Ball Session - thinking about the implications of AI, Games Theory and Virtual Reality
Closing Keynote
Chair's closing remarks
Best in class innovation
LUNCH sponsored by City and Guilds/Credly
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Sponsors and 


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'Where is digital technology taking the challenge of assessing skills, knowledge and understanding?'

'Is multiple choice still an appropriate tool for understanding the capabilities, skills and competency of an employee or a student?'

'How will the world of digital natives, social media, big data, innovative technology affect computer based testing and assessment?'

'Who is leading the way in delivering 21st Century digital assessment?'


On November 7th and 8th, in Washington DC, nearly 200 experts, decision makers and practitioners from the worlds of education, employment and technology will come to together to debate these issues.


Do you and your organisation want to be part of that debate? If so join us at future events as a sponsor, speaker or exhibitor - CONTACT US today



The Venue




400 L’Enfant Plaza, SW, Washington, DC 20024 

Why Attend?
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Conference presented by                                           

Peregian Technologies


VA 22401


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Assessment Tomorrow

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Broxbourne, Hertfordshire

TEL: +44 203 617 1580

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