Terms and Conditions for Conference Attendance
A. Registration Process and Payment Methods
Capacity is limited. Registrations will be handled on a first-come, first-served basis. Registrants should obtain confirmation from the Organisers before committing to other travel arrangements. Travel and Accommodation costs are NOT included in the conference registration fee. Attendees are responsible for making their own lodging arrangements. Details of hotels and directions are available from the Organisers. The Organisers cannot be responsible for your Spam filters blocking your confirmation e-mail. Please be sure your Spam filters will allow mail from the Organisers or their agents (Eventbrite, Perigean or Assessment Tomorrow ) . Conference registrations will not be confirmed until the completed booking form via Eventbrite is received and processed by the Organisers. Registration at the venue, on the day, will be accepted with a payment by credit card
B. Cancellation Policy
Only e-mailing the Organisers and receiving confirmation of receipt can cancel conference registration. Conference registrations cancelled more than 28 days before the event will be entitled to a full refund less a $50 administration charge. Registrations cancelled less than 28 days before the event will not be entitled to a refund. Substitutions may be made at any time. If you wish to substitute a participant, please contact the Organisers at the earliest opportunity. All refunds will be made after the Conference and within two months. This event is subject to minimum attendance numbers and the Organisers reserve the right to cancel the conference in the unlikely event that such numbers are not met. In the event of cancellation by the Organisers a refund of registration fees ONLY will be made by the Organisers.
C. Conference program
Conference program is subject to change
D. Personal Information - please see the Assessment Tomorrow Website to see out our Privacy and Data Protection Policies
E. Personal Property
The Organisers accepts no responsibility for loss or damage to personal property
At Assessment Tomorrow, your input is essential to our business. If you have any questions or comments regarding our services, events, or this website, please contact us at one of the locations listed below.
5 St Catherines Road
EN10 7LG
TEL: +44 203 617 1580