Project Management tool kit of templates and resources to purchase and download
£50 plus VAT
Are you starting a new project?
Are you going to work out the activities and resources, than pick up Microsoft Project and start scheduling?
Instead use our array of templates, spreadsheets, outline documents, checklists, aid memoirs and helpful hints to plan, organise, lead and control your project to a successful conclusion.
Purchase our toolkit of templates and documents for just £50 and then
set clear objectives
realise the costs and benefits of your project
define the scope of what you are doing
understand the risks involved
plan your contingency
collect/organise the key information you will need
maintain quality and accountability throughout
organise your project methodically and thoroughly
monitor progress/report against predefined goals
communicate to and involve stakeholders
budget effectively
use the correct and effective scheduling tools
in short ensure success for your project.
We define Project Management as the
leadership and
of a set of resources brought together to deliver one (or a series of) business or organisational objectives within a given timeframe and budget.
It is a risky business - resources must be found and carefully managed in order to meet those objectives.
It can go wrong even if you have the luxury of professional project managers, trained and experienced in delivering projects.
If you do NOT have that luxury, management and staff will be pulled off their important day to day roles and expected to plan and successfully deliver the project.