Conference and Exhibition
The e-Assessment Question 2019
‘Transformation, Change and Evolution’
17th Annual Conference and Exhibition
America Sq. Conference Centre, London, 10th and 11th April 2019
Many thanks for all your feedback, it has been very useful. The winner of our prize draw has been notified.
Speakers included
Matt Wingfield, Chair, e-Assessment Association
Helen Chapman, editor, World Exam Tech ('the WET')
Julie Gleason, Director, Product Managers, Pearson Vue
Priya Senthilkumar, Director, Product Engineering, Pearson VUE
Gavin Busuttil-Reynaud, Director, Alphaplus Consultancy
Kerry Williams, VP eAssessment, PSI Services
Anton Mamaenko, Manager Delivery, Arcadia
Professor Graham Orpwood, Director of International Programs, Vretta
Ovidiu Bagdasar, University of Derby
Paul Milner, National Numeracy
Janet Legge, Director of Awarding Body, The Association of Corporate Treasurers
Louella Morton, Executive Director, Testreach
Dr Naomi Winstone Department of Higher Education, University of Surrey
Roberto Hortal, Head of Innovation, RM Results
Denis Saunders, CEO and Founder, Calibrand, the currency for talent ®
John Black, Director, JFB Consulting, Independent Consultant
Martin Ripley, Director, World Class Arena
Dr. Mary Richardson, Programme Leader, MA Educational Assessment, UCL, Institute of Education
Ibidun Layi-Ojo, Team Lead, Test Development Solutions - Prometric
Tim Burnett, Head of Marketing - BTL
Nitin Chawla, Vice President of Government and Academic Business, Wheebox
Rohit Agarwal, Associate Vice President - Enterprise Business, Wheebox
Gareth Hegarty, Senior Manager, eAssessment Transition, Int. Baccalaureate Organisation (UK)
Vegard Sivertsen, CEO, Cirrus Assessment plus University co-speaker
Helen Claydon, Senior Research Fellow, ACER UK
Sue Bridgeman, Business Manager, EDExams
Che Osborne
James Watson, immerse.io
John Winkley, Commercial Director, Alphaplus Consultancy
Patrick Craven, Director of Assessment Policy, Research and Compliance, City and Guilds