Conference and Exhibition
The e-Assessment Question 2019
‘Transformation, Change and Evolution’
17th Annual Conference and Exhibition
America Sq. Conference Centre, London, 10th and 11th April 2019
Many thanks for all your feedback, it has been very useful. The winner of our prize draw has been notified.
Goal: e-Assessment is becoming the norm in many areas of assessment from the workplace to class-room, from recruitment, to formative assessment to high stakes, summative, certification.
e-Assessment is itself becoming an agent of change in how we deliver learning and measure and record achievement. At the same time e-Assessment is not stationary and indeed constantly evolving.
The conference looked at e-Assessment from both views - as an agent of change, that is itself progressing and developing.
Over two days we looked at the broad spectrum of e-assessment from the achievements to date, the lessons learnt and the opportunities taken to the development of systems and services that enable, enhance and define e-Assessment for vocational, professional and academic assessment.

The 2019 conference and exhibition took transformation as its theme, looking at both:
the way that e-Assessment is effecting learning and assessment processes in education, training and development to the benefit of learners, employees and institutions, and
the manner in which e-Assessment as a process is changing and growing and advancing.
We are seeing e-Assessment built in to the specifications for new qualifications, at the heart of recruitment and human resources development programmes, and as a core to e-learning, mobile learning and digital instruction. However, e-Assessment is developing and changing as a result of:
paperless examination projects,
the use of large scale assessments for recruitment and selection,
credentialing and open badges,
globalisation and transnational standards,
social media and the expectations of digital natives,
'Bring Your Own Devices',
the growth of e-portfolios,
concerns over cyber security,
the proliferation of question types,
integration with e-Learning and back-office systems,
the rise of government initiatives and policies around the world,
the expectations and demands of digital natives and
rapid changes in technology.
In this environment we must still rise to the challenges of
• how to achieve the cost benefits we all expect,
• how to manage the risks,
• how to overcome press and public indifference, even hostility,
• how to make e-Assessment fully inclusive,
• how to deal with cyber security and candidate authentication,
• how to work in an international marketplace,
• how to deal with regulators and government,
• how to handle rapidly changing technology
• how to manage the expectations of digital natives.
The focus for the 17th annual international e-Assessment Question was on change, and how we manage these evolving and transforming issues.
Our annual conference on e-Assessment and computer supported assessment and qualifications was held on the 10th and 11th April 2019 at the America Square Conference Centre in the City of London.
Day One, Wednesday 10th April 2019 focused on the changing and developing nature of e-Assessment.
Day Two, Thursday 11th April 2019 focused on how e-Assessment is underpinning a world of evolving assessment, learning and training.
Delegates at the conference have the opportunity to win the latest version of the Raspberry PI (www.raspberrypi.org). The Raspberry Pi is the innovative, tiny and low cost computer that you can use to learn programming through fun, practical projects, it is already being used for e-Assessment and e-learning projects.