Welcome to in.Press 2020
Aims and Ambitions
A radical, 21st century approach to the training, up-skilling and qualifications of Journalism and Media related occupations.
“The students who are joining news organizations do not come with the basic ability to write let alone have some news sense. The reason is the theory-heavy curriculum our media institutes follow. They completely lack hands-on training which can be achieved by involving industry professionals in journalism classrooms on a regular basis and having held visits with practicing journalists.”
This quote from a UK/India research project presented at the Symposium on Vision for Media &Communication Education in New Delhi in August 2015 sums up what we aim to address. Put simply, we are using the lessons learned over decades of vocational, industry-focused journalism training in the UK into practice in an India context.

'The power to mould the future of the Republic will be in the hands of the journalists of future generations. '
Joseph Pulitzer
The landscape of Journalism in the 21st Century
The world of public communications is changing rapidly and profoundly and a new digital and professional paradigm is being reached. Nowhere is this more true than in India where the demands for
• improved communications techniques and skills
• strong integrity, ethical approaches and professionalism,
• support for innovation,
• critical and rational thinking, and
• the effective use of communications in a multi-media world
have never been greater.

“The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who can not read or write but will be those who can not learn, unlearn and re-learn”
Alvin Tofler
Rapid changes in technology mean up-skilling for experienced professionals is an essential part of continuous improvement.
This has to be balanced against the tech-savvy generation of young digital natives who need to be schooled in the soft skills essential to effective communication as well as the hard knowledge of English, Law and Society that underpin good journalism.
There is no better way to develop an individual than to expose them to a wide range of relevant experiences and to provide the support and feedback they need to make sense of what they are learning and be able to apply that knowledge in a professional manner.